Can There Be Any Doubt Trump is a Mobster?

Mr. Trump said in an interview with Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt that flipping “almost ought to be illegal.” Would anyone other than a criminal say this?  I am waiting for Trump to call him a rat.  From Wikipedias Glossary of Mafia-related words we find this: rat - one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched. Or, maybe Trump will say Cohen got "pinched".  

Getting criminals to implicate those higher up has been a law enforcement tool forever.  Without the judicial system granting lighter sentences to those lower on the totem pole, the ones actually responsible would never be brought to justice.  But, of course, that is exactly what Mr Trump is saying.  

How anyone can continue to defend Mr Trump at this point is beyond me.  Truly, you just have to ignore everything he says except the few memorable catch phrases like "lock her up" and "drain the swamp".  How can you drain the swamp when you are responsible for keeping it filled?  Only someone completely blind cannot see there have been more crooked folks appointed by Trump than any president in modern times.

But, facts are meaningless - right? And, all news I don't like is fake.

Please though - let's not impeach the man! No, I am not being sarcastic. His replacement is even more dangerous.

Edit 8/24/2018

Since I published this a NY Times article came out detailing Mr. Trump has used the word "rat" for someone who turned states evidence.
In recent days, he has also referred to John Dean, the White House counsel who worked with Watergate investigators to reveal Richard M. Nixon’s role in the crimes and cover-up, as a “RAT.” And he has alluded to the possibility that Mr. Cohen might “flip,” or switch his loyalties away from the president and cooperate with prosecutors.  
Some legal experts said the president’s words and his view on the predicaments of members of his inner circle were striking for their similarity to the culture of organized crime.  “By crediting Paul Manafort for not ‘breaking’ and chastising Michael Cohen for showing an interest in cooperating, he’s really adopting the language and the sentiment of prizing what the mob would call a ‘stand-up guy’ — someone who takes your rap and goes to jail because of your loyalty to the mob, rather than to your own family,” said Daniel S. Goldman, a former federal prosecutor who worked on organized crime cases in the Southern District of New York. “The parallel is to a mob boss who expects the loyalty oath from his soldiers.” 
“What we’re starting to see in Trump’s message here is that it’s very important to enforce the laws only as they do not apply to him, and any laws that may apply to him, he has no interest in enforcing,” Mr. Goldman added."

Edit 1.18.2019

The Buzzfeed article came out today regarding Cohen's statements he has emails and text messages supporting a claim Trump asked him to lie to Congress regarding the building of a Moscow Trump Tower.  We also got this Wired essay with the following intro quote,
 "THE PATTERN OF his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn’t actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it." 


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