
Showing posts from September, 2008

What Makes a Country Successful?

Received this interesting analysis of why some countries are rich and others are poor from a friend who lives Fiji. The little Powerpoint slide show was meant for circulation on Fiji. However, I think the checklist should be reviewed to see how the United States is doing regarding those nine (9) essential items the author identified. Could the United States' current economic woes be related to us not executing those basic principles as well as in the past? How many of these principles does our government exhibit in dealing with its' citizens and other countries? What do you think? To reflect and... Act. The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country. This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt, that are more than 2000 years old and are poor. On the other hand, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, that 150 years ago were poor UK colonies exploited to provide cheap food for England, today are developed countries. The differ...

McCain and Kerry Blocked POW Investigation

Interesting little video regarding McCain and Kerry both blocking an investigation that many Korean and Vietnam American POW's were not returned to the US. Did John McCain make 32 propaganda tapes for the North Vietnamese? Why did John McCain oppose H.R. 3603 Truth Accountability Bill? Was it to seal his POW records to hide his actions? I copied this from a website blog I could only access through the page cache since now the site is mysteriously listed as temporarily down though only this page is down (hmm...) John McCain has always claimed to be a war hero. He says he is loyal to our troops. He says because of his military experience he is qualified to lead our country. But is it true. After doing many exhaustive hours of research I have come to the conclusion that this is not true. Here is some of the things I found our about Senator McCain during my research. You decide for yourself is Senator McCain a hero or a traitor. Senator McCain has ...