Al Fin: Abandoning Western Civilisation: Views of an Evolving Professor
Al Fin: Abandoning Western Civilisation: Views of an Evolving Professor Interesting post that loyal Sojkas Call readers will find familiar. This one takes a while to digest unless you have previously read Professor Bruce Charlton or the French Philosopher Andre Glucksmann . Al Fin highlights the suicidal tendencies existing in western society using the writings of Charlton and Glucksmann as background. Sojkas Call readers have engaged in discussions pertaining to the insanity of government policies and how they are leading to an inevitable catastrophe either economic, social, or militarily. Glucksmann writes using Greek mythology and the rise and fall of the Roman empire as examples and to show how the thinking from that era still permeates western culture today. Charlton, while to me not as persuasive intellectually, uses powerful religious arguments that did get my attention. Check out the link to the Al Fin post and read the recommended backgro...