Facts Are Meaningless and Any News I Don't Like Must Be Fake
Screw facts. News that is contrary to what I know is fake. Thinking is a waste of time when there are pundits to explain it all. Feeling indignant is so righteous. My emotions are more valid than anything. Writing and talking about politics is a waste of time because 90% of people only look for confirmation about what they already know. A very concise list of current falsities believed by 45 - 50% of the US populace. They will attack this with all their might. Obama was weak with Russia. Yet, Ukraine became part of Europe in 2014. "Ukraine was a reliable Russian satrapy or obedient client state until 2014, when popular uprisings and then free elections ousted Moscow's puppet, Yanukovich, in the worst disaster to Russian hegemonism since the fall of the Berlin Wall. " You need more proof? " Moreover, whom did Vladimir Putin and the Russian press openly blame for this calamity, bringing Europe within a few hundred kilometers of Moscow? Why, those machiavell...